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The backlash against crop-fuels and what this means for biomethane

Monday, 28 March 2022

Kevin Lim

>European green transport lobby group, Transport and Environment (T&E), released a publication on 24 March calling for the suspension of crop-based biofuels. While the biofuel market is still dominated by liquid fuels including bio-diesel and ethanol, biomethane has growing status as a transport fuel and can also be produced from crop feedstock. How do such sentiments bode for the EU biomethane market?

The war in the Ukraine has reduced the security of commodity supply, particularly food crops of which the Ukraine was a significant supplier. The brief suggests crop biofuels (specifically bioethanol) account for the consumption of 10 000 tonnes of wheat per day in Europe.

Biofuel consumption also was attributed to 5% of crop land usage in the EU - to replace all Russian liquid fossil fuel imports with biofuels would require a...

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