Friday, 02 August 2019
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The first couple of weeks in July were characterized by a slowdown in trading activity amidst the summer vacation. However, there was a burst in trading activity towards the end of July, with a large number of Nordic Hydro trades taking place. Overall, July still saw a lower number of trades and volumes traded among our data partners compared to June. The number of trades fell by 10%, while volumes traded fell by 20%. Trading was primarily focused on forward contracts, especially 2021 production.
Monthly volume-weighted average prices (VWAP) for Nordic Hydro fell for vintages 2018, 2019 and 2021 by 11.6%, whereas Nordic Hydro 2020 production rose by 2.8%. EU wind 2019 production saw a minor increase in VWAP by 1.2%. Nordic Wind VWAP, on the other hand, fell by 16.3% for vintages 2020 and 2021.