Tuesday, 14 May 2019
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Ida Žužić has been working as a Senior Associate in the Renewable Energy Sources and Support System Implementation Department, in the CROATIAN ENERGY MARKET OPERATOR (HROTE) Ltd, Since September 2015. Ms. Žužić Specialises on affairs related to the system of Guarantees of Origin and Incentive System.
HROTE performs activities of organizing electricity and gas market under the supervision of the Croatian Energy Regulatory Agency (HERA). In addition, HROTE is involved in incentivizing electricity production from renewable sources and cogeneration. HROTE joined the AIB as a member on 23rd May 2014.
From the 1st of January 2019, HROTE as the ECO balance group coordinator, sells incentivized RES energy on the electricity market. Can you give a brief description of the ECO balance group and its role?
Establishment of ECO...