Monday, 03 December 2018
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The market correction came to a halt towards the end of October, and prices have been relatively stable during November. GO prices have increased in November from the lows observed during the end of October, with Nordic Hydro trading above 160 Eurocent/MWh for 2019 production and later during the end of the month.
October had relatively high VWAPs, despite declining GO prices. Because of this, the volume weighted average prices (VWAP) in November showed a decrease from the comparatively higher VWAPs seen in October. The largest decrease was for Wind 2018 production, which fell by 58 Eurocent/MWh or 29%. Liquidity was lower in November and Wind GOs saw a 30% reduction in the number of trades, whereas overall GOs traded only fell by 13% from October. The VWAP also fell for other technologies and vintages, except for Dutch Wind GOs, wher...