Wednesday, 16 May 2018
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The above graph shows transactions for the first half of May 2018 compared to transactions during the entire month of May 2017.
During the first half of May this year a total of 4.1 TWh were issued in Sweden. This is 310% more than during the whole month of May 2017. The large increase may partly be explained by the long winter causing a delayed onset of snow melting. Additionally, with 40% of electricity generated by nuclear and 10% by wind, Sweden’s electricity generation is more inflexible compared to that of Norway. Thus, a sustained surplus of electricity cannot be as effectively absorbed meaning more is likely to be exported.
0.7 TWh were imported so far in May, this is just 18% of the imported volume in May last year. Preliminary numbers for exports remain low at 0.3 TWh, approx. 36% of expor...