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Weekly GO Market Brief - Week 44, 2018

Monday, 05 November 2018

Elias Borøchstein Syslak

The sense of panic seen in the past weeks seemed to calm towards the end of last week, with prices for all the GOs stabilizing. This price stabilization was driven by the return of buying interest from fundamental market participants leading to a slightly bullish outlook for GOs in Q4 2018 and Q1 2019, following the recent correction the market has been through. 

The Greenfact Index saw a 28.3% fall during October as it shaved off more than 100 points, closing on Friday at 263 points. The stabilising prices were reflected in the index last week too, as the index only saw a decrease of 1 percentage (3 points) compared to the 9 percentage average weekly fall during October.

This week

We expect the market to stabilize around current leve...

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