Monday, 11 June 2018
Last week saw a continuation of the quiet period seen lately, with Nordic Hydro prices remaining stable around the one euro threshold.
Wind still sees high demand on the buyer side, but with few sellers in the market there is currently few trades taking place. The demand for longer contracts seems to be increasing on the buyer side.
The market also seems to be on hold waiting for clear answers from the EU Commission on the RED II (winter package) due to be discussed in the, potentially final, meeting between council and EU Parliament this Wednesday. The Bulgarian Presidency is returning to the EU Council of Ministers today, aiming to reach informal accords on the 2030 targets before end-June, as Austria takes over the rotating six-month EU presidency on July 1. Today's meeting is aiming to finalise the ministers position between the two options presented, and with new governments in Spain and Italy the prediction is that there will be majori...