Thursday, 23 September 2021
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Wind GoO prices have increased by almost 300% since the beginning of the year which has been mainly attributed to a strong demand for the product and lower than normal wind production levels and hydro reservoir levels within Europe.
Since the beginning of this year Guarantees of Origin (GoO) prices have increased across all technologies and vintages.
The EU Wind 21' Nordic Wind 21 products started the year trading at an average price of about 22 Eurocents/MWh and 23 Eurocents/MWh respectively. The prices for both products have more than tripled and was traded last week at a price of 76 Eurocents/MWh and 80 Eurocent/MWh respectively.
Interestingly, the Wind GoO product that showed the most growth is the forward market EU Wind '22 product where prices almost quadrupled since the beginning ...