Monday, 16 November 2020
The second week (46) of trading in November saw an increase in trade volumes compared to the week prior (45).
Current year Nordic Hydro GOs sold at 10.75 Eurocent/MWh, easing slightly from the 11 Eurocent/MWh seen at the end of October.
Nordic Hydro GOs saw transactions in the forward markets with 2021, 2022, and 2023 vintages trading at 20.9 Eurocents/MWh, 30.4 Eurocents/MWh, and 34.1 Eurocents/MWh respectively.
In a bullish sign for the market, these prices represent gains of 1-2 Eurocent/MWh from the previous (45) week.
EU Hydro also saw some trades, curren...