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12th Portuguese Auction - Wind GOs prices increased by 82% !

Monday, 19 September 2022

On 14 September 2022, the 12th Portuguese auction for Guarantees of Origin (GOs) was held by OMIP. In total 3.3TWh GOs were auctioned, all corresponding to the subsidized power plants for renewable electricity production under a direct price support regime. The net income from auction (auction revenues deducted from overheads related to the acquisition of electricity from renewable energy sources) is reverted to consumers. There were 23 participants and 10 buyers in this auction.

The auction model was a descending clock, consisting of eight lots, according to the criteria of technology (Solar, Wind, Hydro, and Thermal) and production periods (May 2022, June 2022 and July 2022). The majority of the GOs (2.36TWh, 72%) were from Wind, followed by 0.44TWh of Thermal GOs. All the offered volumes were sold out, and the sold volumes decreased by around 6% compared to the previous auction.

Furthermore, the marginal prices of 2022 vintages for all technologies increased by around 76% (+82% for Wind!) in comparison to the previous auction. Relative to OTC prices on 14 September 2022, prices for Wind GOs (in the auction) were at a premium of 6 Eurocents, prices for Thermal with a much more important premium of 40 Eurocents, while prices for Hydro traded at parity and Solar auctioned GOs at a 7 Eurocents discount. 

Source: Auctions for Guarantees of Origin | OMIP

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