Tuesday, 06 October 2020
The Norwegian GO registry, NECS (Norwegian Energy Certificates System) is undergoing upgrades, with the go-live date for the new system slated 9 November 2020.
NECS, run by the Norwegian grid operator Statnett, is the most active registry in Europe, being the genesis for Norwegian Nordic Hydro GOs, as well as handling transactions for Elcerts in the Swedish/Norwegian market. The upgrades will add more functionality and flexibility for certificate transfers.
The NECS platform will be unavailable from 31 October to 8 November to accommodate the upgrade. Other key dates include:
Two, 2-hour information sharing webinars will be held on the 20 and 22 October, at 12:00 CET. To register, email go@statnett.no with subject heading 'Webinar' followed by the preferred date, or use the links below:
More detailed information, including FAQ can be found on the NECS homepage. Vibeke Borgersen has been nominated as the point of contact for NECS upgrade related enquiries, can be reached via email.